Book Coaching

Do you have big ideas and unique expertise to share with the world, but are overwhelmed with where to begin writing a book proposal?

What is book coaching?

Book coaching is a unique blend of consultancy, editorial feedback and coaching that provides accountability, motivation and knowledge to help you, the writer, get your big ideas into the best shape possible. And most importantly, turn those great ideas into book form.

I work with non-fiction and memoir writers developing book proposals. There are a number of ways I can support you depending on where you are on your journey.

Penny has natural instincts when it comes to what a publisher is looking for. She knows how to tell a story, how to pull and weave key threads in a narrative to make it stand out
— Abigail Bergstrom - Literary Agent

About me


After securing my own non-fiction book deal for Tender with a proposal written using some of the tools Author Accelerator recommend, I knew that I could trust their methods. I became a certified non-fiction book coach through Author Accelerator and now help other writers bring their big ideas together in a killer book proposal, that will help them stand out from the crowd.

I host the podcast Not To Busy To Write interviewing authors and publishing industry professionals, focusing on the challenges of writing amongst life’s many other demands. I have a Masters in Creative and Life Writing from Goldsmiths, and as well as working on my next non-fiction book, I’m also writing a novel. My words have been published in Harper’s Bazaar, Red Magazine, Telegraph, You Magazine and more.

For more about the book coaching process and what’s involved, visit the FAQ page